Determining cost-effective routes requires us to take into account the needs drivers experience on the road, in particular their need to take breaks. Thanks to a new version of VROOM, the open-source software we have developed for optimizing itineraries, this functionality that our clients have been impatiently awaiting is now available through our API.

Flexibility of Time and Location
Up until now we were able to define a break as one of a driver’s several tasks, but that meant pre-determining the location at which the break was to be taken. At times this approach worked well, but as a rule the site of the break depends on the optimized route. With our new approach we can now define breaks as tasks without pre-establishing their location.
Even pre-determining the time of a break can have a negative effect on optimization. It would clearly be foolish to cancel a job simply because performing it would mean that the driver’s break would have to begin at 12:03 rather than at 12 noon sharp, as planned. Moreover, we have to be able to ensure that breaks are taken early enough to allow drivers to meet subsequent deadlines. Our API provides this flexibility, guaranteeing breaks of adequate length that comply with in-the-field needs.
To take an even more complex example, imagine a situation in which the final morning job ends before the midday break can reasonably begin. No one wishes to waste time waiting, and putting off the break could cause delays for jobs that follow. We are now capable of splitting travel time before and after breaks, thus minimizing downtime and providing pertinent solutions even when time constraints are especially tight.
Increased Functionality with the Same High Degree of Performance
The newly developed ability to include several breaks in itineraries makes it possible for us to model a great number of new situations. For example, planning work that stretches over several days and involves rest times at night is trivial.
The good news is that we have been able to add this functionality without significantly increasing algorithmic complexity. In a word, whether taking breaks into account or not, our API continues to provide elegant solutions at the same record speeds as always.
If you would like to try out this new functionality, contact us to get your API key.